

1589 Uppsatser om Digital divide - Sida 1 av 106

Malmös digitala klyfta

Differences between groups or individuals in a society with regards to access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) are known as the Digital divide. The Digital divide pertains to differences in physical access to computers and the Internet as well as knowledgein using technology. Important factors affecting the Digital divide are disabilities, age, gender, socioeconomical background, ethnicity and geography. The Digital divide appears on several levels: internationally, nationally, regionally and locally. Individuals who, for some reason, have limited or no access to information and communication technologies risk, among other things, to experience social exclusion.

Inlandskommunens digitala klyfta : En kvalitativ studie om hur Vilhelmina kommun kan nå alla invånare

This surveys hypothesis is based on the notion that all citizens have the right to access information of the municipality they live in. The aim of the study is to examine how residents of Vilhelmina municipality take note of the current information, and also how they would proceed to access information in the future. In order to conceptualise the results these following theories were used: Digital divide, digital immigrants, digital native, uses and gratification theory, social capital, communications strategies and two-way communication. The survey is conducted with four focus group interviews and one separate interview with a person working at the municipal office. The focus groups were divided into age categories in order to see the similarities and differences between the groups' media habits and preferences of future communications.

Att delta eller inte delta i sociala medier. : En kvalitativ studie om hur journalister på P4 Kalmar tänker kring publikinteraktion, sociala medier och den digitala klyftan.

The purpose of this study is to discuss how journalists think about the interaction with the audience in social media and the fact that it can make the traditional audience feel excluded. The study shows how journalists on P4 Kalmar is experiencing audience interaction in social media and describes how aware the journalists are about the Digital divide. The results show that all of our interviewed journalists think that the interaction with the audience through social media works well and that there is awareness among journalists about the Digital divide. The results also show that many of the interviewed journalists had not reflected on that parts of the audience can feel excluded by the interaction taking place in social media, but some of them could understand if parts of the audience felt that way. We consider our study as part of a research field on journalist?s interactivity with the audience through different types of media, but also as source of inspiration for future research on how the digital media becomes one with the community..

En dag på sommarovet : Analys av en novell

This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.

Wikipedia : Informationspublicering på Internet ur ett genus- och maktperspektiv

This essay is about publishing on the Internet and aims to understand the differences between publishing information on the webpage Wikipedia (Swedish version) in contrast to other information pages on the Internet, for example blog, discussion pages, homepages etcetera. The study is based upon an article which described that 90% of the information publishers at Wikipedia belongs to a small elite of white, western, well educated men between the age of thirty to thirtythree. This study examines why people who does not belong to this heteronormativity publish information in other Internet places but not at Wikipedia.Wikipedia is an open source site, where anyone can publish and are even encouraged to do so and is often described as an utopian dream of the digital democracy, so why don´t people express themselves on Wikipedia? The method is based on two discussion groups, which are compared and analyzed. The study is based upon theoretical competence within feminist theory and conceptions such as intersectionality, heteronormativity and Digital divide as well as theories about digital devices and social order.

Digital delaktighet i Sverige : Om att inkludera alla i framtidens samhälle

Almost all Swedes today have access to the Internet, if not through the home then via the library or work. Despite this, around 20% of the population stand outside the information society in that they lack in knowledge, assistive usability tools or positive attitude towards technology and its influence on society. The main factors influencing the Digital divide in today's society are age, disability and education, while the main reason for staying outside seems to be disinterest.The question about digital inclusion is important as we now stand on the breaking-point between a society where the industry has had a prominent position for private as well as national economy and a digital society where access to the Internet is no longer about prestige, but where significant differences between users' knowledge levels can create a power gap. Gaps in access and use not only reflects already existing socio-economic conditions, but can also maintain and enhance these.It is crucial for the future expansion of Internet usage how today's non-users feel about becoming users. To understand what underlies the motivations not to use computers is one of the keys to get non-users to embrace becoming users.

De äldres situation i det digitala samhället : Bibliotekets verksamhet för digital delaktighet

This thesis deal with how seniors treat and view the digital world, what their information seeking process looks like and what they perceive as the major obstacles regarding the usage of IKT and the Internet. The experience of the seniors is put in relation to how Uppsala City Library is carrying out the task to increase digital participa-tion. This operation is part of the Digidel network which during the preceding year concluded their campaign Digidel2013 which aimed to render 500 000 new users digitally participant. Following the campaign Digidel published a report on how to further work to increase the digital participation derived from the experience gath-ered from Digidel2013. This report is discussed and put in relation to the proposed measures of Jan A.G.M.

Synen på bibliotek förändras inte på en dag : En utvärdering av klusterkampanjen "Den digitalt nyfikne" på ett folkbibliotek

This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.

Social samvaro i sociala medier : En studie om digitalt utanförskap hos äldre

This study focuses on trying to understand the attitudes of people born in the 1940?s concerning their view on social media. This 1940?s group has been growing on the social networks such as Facebook, but their usage is not active. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to understand in what way they are affected by the using of these platforms.

Digital divide eller digital opportunity i Anacostia High School, Washington D.C. : en studie baserad på sistaårselever i High School

 Purpose/Aim: The goal of this thesis is to examine access and knowledge computers and the Internet among the senior-year students of Anacostia High School. Do the students of this facility have the same opportunity as the residents from better socioeconomical backgrounds or are they being excluded from the technology? Material/Method: To approach the thesis goal I have used a quantitative method. More specifically, a questionnaire was handed out to the senior year students at Anacostia High School. Main results: The study has shown that most of the students of Anacostia had in some way access to computers and Internet.

Det moderna biblioteket inätverkssamhället : En studie över kulturpolitikers och bibliotekariers åsikter om bibliotekens användande av sociala medier

?The modern library in the network society?A study of cultural politicians and librarians opinions about libraries' use of social mediaSocial media is becoming more and more interacted in our daily lives and Carlsson (2013) argues that today's libraries have undergone major challenges in the digital information technology's entry in the library arena. The new technology has led to sum up in one question: how a library should relate to the digital information technology, the issue has applied in particular the social communications media, such as Facebook, Twitter and more. The purpose of this paper is to examine the culture of politicians and librarians 'perceptions of public libraries' use of social media linked to the libraries and their democracy promotion efforts. This is analyzed from Castells theories about the network society and the Digital divide.In summary, the study concluded that the majority of the culture politicians and librarians believe that social media is a part of the future of the library.

Digital och traditionell skulptering i produktion: Digital ecorche

Denna rapport kommer att handla om mitt arbete att skapa en digital ecorche och jämföra traditionell och digital skulptering.och möjligheten att kombinera dem..

Den elektroniska handelns förutsättningar via digital-TV kontra Internet

Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vad den elektroniska handeln via digital-TV har för förutsättningar att slå sig in på den redan befintliga marknaden där bland annat Internet finns. Elektronisk handel via digital-TV är en tjänst som inte finns idag, men som skall introduceras under hösten 1999.Eftersom handel via digital-TV inte finns i dagsläget, har en jämförelse gjorts mellan digital-TV och Internet för att på så sätt få ett mer konkret resultat vad det gäller digital-TV. Den elektroniska handeln via Internet är på frammarsch och om tekniken fungerar bra på Internet, kan erfarenheterna även utnyttjas och användas på digital-TV.Rapportens resultat visar att den elektroniska handeln via digital-TV kommer att fungera och även att handel via digital-TV kommer att bli ett komplement till Internet. Rapporten visar också vilka produkter och tjänster som kommer att finnas tillgängligt via digital-TV..

Medielek och digital kompetens i en förskolekontext : Design för meningsskapande

The aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to the field of design oriented theory, regarding young children and their way to digital competence. My research question is: How can a preschool with a certain pedagogical ICT-design give the children affordances for media play and for developing a digital competence?The European Parliament points out digital literacy as one of the Key Competences for life long learning. A digital competence is built on basic ICT (Information and Communication technology) skills. Skills you can develop any time during life, weather you are young or old.

Det kreativa (i) rummet : En underso?kning om digital teknik och bildundervisning

Digital teknik utgör ett obligatoriskt inslag i svensk undervisning, såväl praktiskt som i rådande kursplaner. Följande uppsats behandlar hur digital teknik tillämpas i bildundervisningen på några grund- och gymnasieskolor, samt vad som påverkar tillämpningen. Vidare beskrivs även nårga lärares upplevda relation till anammandet av digital teknik i bildudnervisning..

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